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ETC - College to Career Planning Programs


The college to career planning programs shown below are used by thousands of professional college consultants and counselors. These programs are shown in the sequence as they are used by professional consultants when working with clients.

Why use ETC's suite of programs? These programs enable families to develop educational tracks that lead to real careers. This is all done with the objective of producing positive college outcome while managing costs and fiscal responsibility.

Additionally, you'll read our supporting documentation, we also share with you the best practices used by college consultants for developing successful college plans. It is a methodical process for selecting a major based on your child's academic interests and strengths, identifying schools that fit your needs academically and financially, all of which is oriented towards a successful college to career outcome

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Before you get started:
  1. An academic major should lead to a real job, and that job should have a good salary. We’ll show you 48 majors with the jobs that they lead to, AND the starting salaries for those jobs CollegeBuddy

  2. Everyone graduates in 4 years, right? Actually, 5.3 years is the average time to graduate. Spend 2 minutes on this program to determine the probability of you graduating, and when College Graduation Probability Program

  3. Students hate this program and parents love it. If you're trying to determine what the right college to career track is for you, you’ll find this program to be brutally honest with incredibly valuable guidance CareerBuddy Plan on spending some time with this program. It's thought provoking, and enormously beneficial in helping to show how a student’s competencies should be applied to an education and career track.

  4. Choosing a school should be based on investment logic. The rankings of schools in the ETC College Rankings Index is based on the Economic Value Added for 1,200 four year colleges in the U. S. Our methodology ranks colleges on their ability to improve the earnings and employability of their students.

  5. College Business Plan - This program will build a business plan with you, inclusive of the most relevant financial data. This is truly a revolution in college planning and a must for every family working towards sending a child to college.

ETC is the leading provider of salary data to campus career centers throughout the U. S. Try any of our programs below for reliable salary data.
College Admissions Probability Program - This revolutionary program provides you with the probability of being accepted to the colleges of your choice, and your Expected Family Contribution. Your results are shown in table form and Excel - perfect for the foundation of your college list. $10 per college or 10 colleges for $50.
Salary Calculator 2.0 - Our newest generation salary calculator for job seekers and career counselors. Try it on mobile too!
Salary Search by Job Title - Select from over 900 occupations. Reliable salary data which includes education variables. Easy to use on mobile!
Salary Calculator - Our original salary calculator, for legacy program users.
2 Year College Calculator - Salary data for 2 year college students and counselors. Over 1,000 community colleges listed.
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